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Up for more! Wizard world is back!

It all begin in 1988, it was a long and cold winter, most of the people were already sleeping when a bright veil covered the night, lighting the sky of the Baikal Lake in Russia. Some of the sparks were reflected by the frozen water. Not so far from there in Irkutsk the lights were none. At the moment when the light crossed the sky something just felt into the water. Hitting harder the water of Baikal, this falling thing cracked the ice and submerged in those dark waters. The silence was still the only thing that was possible to hear.

Suddenly a ray of light emerged the whole pushing out of the water a woman, an ebony skin with a bright pair of green eyes. The flakes of snow were covering her hair, while she was trying to stand up. She wasn't tall neither short, she was a regular woman, with a strange taste for clothing. She was just wearing a black robe and scarf, completely wet.

She started to walk with extremely difficulty on the ice, she just stopped, got her wand and said out aloud - A me semitam! Right way a path just opened before her feet and she continued her way until Irkutsk.

The darkness was all across the land, and once again she grabbed her wand and said

- Lucendi!

And a flash of light came out from her wand, she continued her way through the snow when a noise broke the silence. As fast as she could, she ran behind the tree and confidently held her wand.

A shadow started to get closer but she couldn’t wait. One jump was enough to face the danger, and she said

- Who’s there?

Pointing her wand to the bushes

- Greta, It’s me! Calm down! It’s Flynn!

And a skinny and tall man came out from the bushes.

- What the hell are you doing here?

- I could let you go alone, you’re nut’s, these aren't our lands, Greta! It's Russia! For God’s sake!

Flynn started to warm himself up and Greta just starring her friend

- I can't believe Flynn, I am not nuts, you are! First, because you followed me, second because you’re a mess, we need to be sure that you’re prepared!

- Come on, It's a simple task!

- Tell me about it, - She just laughed

- It is, we’re going to get the goblet back, easy!

- Just like that! – she got closer to him and punched his shoulder

- Lets go, or we’re gonna die here!

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